After reading part 1, part 2 and part 3. Part 2 and part 3 were focused on the comparision of thinking of a rich person and thinking of a poor person and give you the lesson which is better for you if you have the goal to become a rich person. In this series, we are going forward.
Thinking of a Rich Person
(A) Rich Person Provides Service to More People
Rich person gives service to large number of people. He serves more people, he got more income. Because he knows better that give more and gets more. He knows better if we have to buy simple veg. from market, we have to pay the price. Why people will pay the price if we do not give the veg. If we will give more and more veg., we get more price. For example, you will start your small veg. shop, you will get only a small poor person income who is hand to mouth. If you will become whole seller of veg. food, you will sell more people because you are above the chain of one shop. Many retailers are buying from you. If you become the producer to cover whole state whole seller for veg. food, you will do more people service and you will surely earn more. But rich people thinks to serve whole world. It is very clear if any producer covers whole 193 countries veg. supplies, he will become rich because 193 countries wholeseller will give the money to him.
I left my given coaching classes in 2008 and started this Accounting Education and other Online Projects. From 2008 to 2019, I spend to serve whole 193 countires and I got Rs. 36 Lakh cash in 11 years. This income got from advertising, selling my ebooks, selling my online courses, selling my books and other products online. Now, I am 39 years if I will deposit same money for 20 years in Govt. Bank who can stop me becoming Crorepati in 60 years. No cheating, no fraud. I decided to think big on 2008 and shifted from offline to online. If I got Rs. 36 Lakh, it means, I provided the product and service of Rs. 36 Lakh, if you did not earned Rs. 36 Lakh in 11 years, it means, you did not think big in 11 years.
This website has given free education to 3.4 Crores people of world. Whether service is free or paid, it has ability to give money indirectly.
By thinking big to serve moe people, I have to write 3200 contents in this website and I tried to solved the problems of more people. Solve more people problems, they all will solve your money problem. So, simple formula to become rich person.
Learning Point
Whether you have a single shop or you are providing small service of plumber. Start to think big. Start to think to serve more people. With this, you will start to set big goal and you will take big challenges. With this, more people will buy more goods and services from you and you will become rich fastly with this because all rich people have think big and now they have big money.
Think like a Poor Person
(B) Poor Person Provides Services to Less Person
A poor person thinks that to provide services to large number of people will be difficult by started excuses.
(I) I have less capital. In 2008, I was nil capital and only my goal to help more people and I got same level capital.
(II) I have not knowledge. In 2008, I did not have also knowledge to write 3200 + contents in this website. I learned and I wrote, and I got knowledge. You will start work, you will learn and you will get the knowledge.
(III) I have to manage more employees. How will I pay bills. Think like me. I will pay my employee bills from profit. With this, you will save to take tension of employees.
(IV) I did not do this work already. No one do before birth. When you start any work to serve more people, it means, it is your new birth. Now, grow daily.
(V) To solve less people problem is easy. It is just thinking of poor person but think like big and to solve large people problem is also easy.
Learning Points
Every excuses of a poor peson has solution which is barrier to think big. Only think upto sky and set goal and set the plan and start action on it. Your every goal will achieve. You need only to increase your self confidence.
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